Critical analysis of scholarly open-access publishing. Open-Access Journal Publishes Review Article with Questionable CoI Statement. An open-access publisher from the United Arab Emirates has published an article with a conflict-of-interest statement that itself may have a conflict of interest. Frontiers Launches OA Library Science Journal.
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Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and Literature. We are now accepting submissions for 2015 Issues. Papers will be reviewed on a rolling basis; early submission is therefore encouraged. Publish online and print version both. Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and Literature. A Journal of Humanity, Literature, Language, Religion, Culture, Politics and History. Is an open access, peer-reviewed, both online and print journal established by the. Can be more flexible .
Asia Pacific Journal of Energy and Environment. APJEE in print quarterly to make available an enduring documentation of achievements allied to energy and the environment. Environment - Bioenergy processes and utilisation, pollution prevention, wastewater treatment, marine and freshwater thermal pollution, landfill and radioactive wastes, greenhouse gases, environmental impact, organic and inorganic environment ass.
Articles in this journal have undergone a rigorous double-blind peer review system, based on initial editor screening and involving in-country and international refereeing, ensures that articles meet the highest standards of quality. We are now accepting submissions for 2015 issues. Papers will be reviewed on a rolling basis; early submission is therefore encouraged.
Asian Journal of Applied Science and Engineering. Human and Animal Rights Statement. We are now accepting submissions for 2015 Issues. Papers will be reviewed on a rolling basis; early submission is therefore encouraged. Publish online and print version both. Submission Feedback within 15 August. And Expected to be online by 15 September 2015. Articles Indexed in Google Scholar. Asian Journal of Applied Science and Engineeri.